Welcome to our blog about pet waste laws and regulations in Johnston and Wake Counties, North Carolina. As responsible pet owners, we have a duty to keep our communities clean and healthy, and this includes properly managing pet waste.
Did you know that there are approximately 64% of households in North Carolina that own at least one pet? With so many furry friends around, it’s important to keep our communities clean and safe for everyone.
According to local laws, pet owners are required to clean up after their pets and dispose of the waste in a proper manner. This means that you cannot leave your pet’s waste on public or private property, including sidewalks, parks, and other common areas. Dookie Patrol LLC is your neighborly pet waste management company. We offer residential and commercial pooper scooper services. We can scoop poop, deodorize and install and maintain the pet waste stations to assist with following local laws and regulations.
If you live in a community governed by a homeowner’s association (HOA), there may be additional rules and fines in place for pet waste management. Some HOAs require pet owners to carry a bag or container for waste while walking their pets, and failure to comply with these rules can result in fines.
Pet waste is not only unsightly, but it can also be a health hazard. Dog waste can carry harmful bacteria and parasites that can contaminate the environment and potentially spread disease to other animals and humans.
Proper pet waste management involves more than just picking up after your pet. It also means disposing of the waste in a proper manner. This includes placing it in a designated pet waste bin or flushing it down the toilet if your local laws allow.
In Wake County, pet owners are required to pick up after their pets in all public areas, including parks, sidewalks, and trails. Failure to comply with this law can result in a fine of up to $50. https://raleighnc.gov/safety/pooper-scooper-law
Similarly, in Johnston County, pet owners must pick up after their pets and dispose of the waste properly. Failure to comply with this law can result in a fine of up to $100.
To help promote proper pet waste management, many cities in North Carolina have installed pet waste stations in public areas. These stations provide bags and disposal bins for pet owners to use, making it easier to clean up after their pets.
In conclusion, as responsible pet owners, it’s our duty to keep our communities clean and safe. This means properly managing pet waste and following local laws and regulations. If you notice a waste station that isn’t being managed properly, please reach out to see how we can assist. Let’s work together to create a cleaner, healthier environment for everyone, including our furry friends.